Friday, May 17, 2013

Imperfections - makes me a human

The experienced say you should always listen to your brain over your heart and on the contrary lovers of this world have an opposite saying to the same. I don’t know in which category do I fall, the imperfections in me just make me a human who has a heart to love, brain to understand  the meaning of love and a soul which is loved by someone.

If others also have the same organ type, how can they not measure the love I have for you. If they call themselves as humans with same heart and brain, don’t they have any imperfections in them? Why my defaults are my mistakes and their as learning.

The lesson i have learned after falling in love is even if  u love a fish to the core, still you cannot live with it. That does not mean that you do not love it. Its just that you are imperfect to live inside water with it. 

May be this birth was not enough to be with you. Yes i know, love is immortal but i wanted to feel the love not just die with it. I lost the battle against those Imperfections which was me, the one whom you ever loved.